Manure is one of the best ways to make your soil more fertile and improve plant growth. Your lawn will still do well on a garden fertiliser but will be better off if you use a lawn fertiliser. They also often contain weed killers to help prevent the types of weeds that tend to grow in lawns, like bindii, lambs’ tongue, and nutgrass. The best fertiliser for lawns will be specifically designed to promote green growth and disease resistance and will have a high ratio of nitrogen and potassium but much less phosphate. Grass, however, has different nutrient needs, as you want it to have strong leaf growth, but there’s no need to promote flowering or seeding. On the label, it will usually be called a 10-10-10 fertiliser for this reason. It will usually be a mix of equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium, which helps promote green growth, flowers, and fruiting. Garden fertiliser is an all-purpose fertiliser or balanced fertiliser that will work on most plants that don’t have unique nutrient needs. These are often referred to interchangeably but are different products. Depending on the product, they can also be a little messier or smellier to apply. However, they are usually a bit more expensive, and you’ll have to wait a little longer to see the results on your plants. There’s no potentially toxic build-up of organic chemicals in the soil, and they are filled with bacteria that help improve soil quality and protect the ecosystem of your garden. Organic fertilisers are slower to break down, which is why they are known as slow-release fertilisers, so they provide a steadier and better source of nutrition to plants. Also, organic fertilisers are less apt to dissolve and leach away with heavy watering.

In contrast, it is almost impossible to fertilise too much with organic fertilisers. At first glance, chemical fertilisers may seem better since the plant gets fertilised immediately, but it is easy to overdo using chemical fertilisers. Organic fertilisers, on the other hand, need to be broken down by bacteria in the soil to convert them into nutrients that a plant can use. Chemical fertilisers deliver nutrients to a plant in a form that they can metabolise almost instantly. Generally, organic fertilisers deliver nutrients to a plant in a roundabout way. These are natural products that don’t contain any artificial chemicals. An organic fertiliser is a substance or mixture of substances that is derived from organic material and is used to help promote healthy and strong plant growth. Often, there is a lot of confusion about what exactly an organic fertiliser is. They can easily be overapplied, which can be harmful to the water table and environment. However, they don’t contain microorganisms that help hold nutrients in the soil and improve soil quality. Synthetic fertilisers are fast-acting, easy to spread, and inexpensive to buy.